Monday, June 23, 2014

Another Week of Accountability....

Last week's training went well, other than I didn't get any swims in.  It was freakishly cold for a few days closing the pools at the normal times I go, and cancelling our OWS group.  However, I still managed to get in all my runs and my bike rides, though some were shortened for various reasons.  I shortened my long bike ride due to road closure to keep me from going any further up the mountain for more climbing, so I headed back down, made it half way up Trappers and headed home.  I got in 60 miles instead of 70 for that ride, and got in around 4000 ft of climbing instead of the 5000 I would have gotten in with out the road closure.

This week's training is kind of adjusted due to out of town company coming on Thursday night.  This means that my long run and ride have been moved to earlier in the week and one swim cancelled due to the company, but the main work outs are there.  This week should go as follows:

Monday - ride 30 miles
Tuesday - swim 1600, run 4
Wednesday - Long ride day - 85 miles and then OWS night (am I glutton for punishment or what?)
Thursday - Long run day, around 8 miles
Friday - swim 1500
Saturday - Run 4 miles

My overall view of my summer training is pretty good.  I am hitting the key work outs, and even though some of them get shortened, I am still getting the main goal of the work out in.  I have done a lot more riding on the island lately instead of going down into Kaysville and climbing up toward 89.  I still feel that I get the main point of the work out in, the climbing, by doing hill repeats on the island, and there is much less traffic and much better road quality.  I feel like little adjustments like that are fine and normal, though others would argue that I need to stick to my plan as it is.  Yeah... I am self coached, I wrote the plan, and I have no problem making a few adjustments as long as my goals are still met.

I have to be honest though about the biking.  I have come to the conclusion I don't like climbing.  Not even a little bit.  There.  I said it.  Yes, I know, I know, I am registered for the Triple Bypass that is now less than 3 weeks away.  I will be the first to admit WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?  I don't mind doing flat rides with small rollers (Like the Little Red Century last year) but this climbing stuff is HARD!  One of my friends pointed out that I will have to bike 112 miles in IMTX.  Really, Sherlock?  Again, it is not the distance that scares me.  I just hate the slow grinding my way up a mountain at 6-8 mph.  I can do a flat century in the time it took me to do the 60 miles of climbing the other day!  IMTX is a relatively flat (meaning NOT this kind of climbing, I know there are rollers) and I am okay with that.  I honestly think that post Triple Bypass, I won't be able to sit down for at least a week!  But, I am glad that I am doing it just so I can say I did, but I think I will stick with flatter stuff in the future.  And, I am grateful I can do this ride with my Dad.  If he wasn't doing it, I never would have signed up to begin with.

But, I will leave this post with some pretty pics of my very brutal, but very pretty ride from Friday up towards Monte Cristo.  Happy training and racing all!

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