Sunday, December 14, 2014

End of the Off Season - Hello IMTX Training!

Today is officially my last day of my off season.  My official 22 week training plan for Ironman Texas begins tomorrow!

I have been thinking about my goals for the off season and I think that I have done a very good job at doing what I intended to do. I wanted to maintain a good base, while also allowing myself to enjoy the down time and not beat myself up for missed or shortened work outs.  I have done exactly that.  I also had an emphasis on strength training, and that has gone pretty well also.

The only thing that I might have done differently is get into the pool more - meaning, at all.  I have not swam since AG Nationals on August 9.  I am not too worried about this as it is the one discipline of the three that I can neglect and still do well.  It's not like running, where if I even skip a week I feel like a newborn giraffe wobbling all over and having no clue what I am doing.  Especially with the  swim work outs planned in official training, I will be fine.  

I am proud of my increased running volume and consistency.  I have learned to love running again and so far in this 40 Day Running Streak I am doing with friends, I have only missed 2 days..  I plan to continue the Streak into my training plan until it is over, and then I will re-evaluate how much running I want to do.  The plan only calls for three runs a week, and I know that I want more than that, but not necessarily every day like I am now.  We'll see how it goes.

How am I feeling as I start official training?  Awesome!  No injuries, no nagging pains, or fatigue.  I also feel that the work outs I do have been good.  I am in good shape to start this  plan.  Mentally I am pumped to start.  This makes it just that much more real for me! Only 153 more days until GO TIME!

So, if you need me, I will be pretty occupied until May 17 (the day AFTER the race).  Happy Training and Racing!

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME!!!!! This is going to be a great journey and I look forward to following along!
